Lietuvos himnas
We will be singing "Tegul saulė Lietuvos tamsumus prašalina" and in G major as written in the music books, not as sung in the voice part recordings. (These voice part recordings were originally prepared for Dainų šventė 2014 in Lietuva, hence the small difference.)
Lietuviais esame mes gimę
In bars 13-17, sopranos take the high note, alto 1 takes the middle note, and alto 2 takes the bottom note.
Aik, aželi, undenia
This song will be performed a cappella.
Buvo dūda Vilniuj
This song will be performed a cappella.
This song is for men only. You can split up the men differently than normal to have enough of each voice part so that the harmonies come through. This song will be performed a cappella.
Viena šeima - Viena tauta
This is the final song of first set for the adult choir. The children's choir will come join the adult choir for this song. After "Viena šeima" is done, the children's choir will remain on stage to sing their first set, while the adult choir will quietly exit the stage.
Šių naktį par naktį
The voice part recordings for this song were recorded on a metronome. It will be performed with more liberty on the fermata's and breath marks, following the composer's notes "Placiai, laisvai, neskubant" at the beginning, "Gyviau" at rehearsal 2, "Dar kiek gyviau" at rehearsal 3, etc. per the conductor's interpretation. Please sing a hard "L" on the words naktelas, aušrela, saulela (on the second "L"), and pradalgėlas (on the second "L"). This song will be performed a cappella.
Cykiai, cykiai
Please pronounce a hard "L" on the words sasulė, sasul, nemylėsiu, and kurtelėm. This song will be performed a cappella.
Ei kilo kilo
This song will be performed a cappella.
Vai daugiel daugiel
This song will be performed a cappella.
Padainuosim mes sustoję
In this song, we will want to encourage the public to stand, sit, squat, and lay, as indicated in the lyrics. It will be performed liberaly according to the conductor's interpretation. Don't forget that there is a fifth verse (the same as the first verse). This song will be performed a cappella.
Žmonės ant kalnų
We might add some simple motions to really kick this last song out of the park! We will let you know.